
University of Helsinki Alumni Association

Email us
Email us at either or and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Call us
You can reach us by phone during weekdays between 10.30–12.30 am on +358 50 448 4120.

Visit us
Our office is located in Porthania (Yliopistonkatu 3), third floor, room 362. We recommend that you contact us beforehand if you are coming to visit us at the office.

Postal address
Helsingin yliopiston alumniyhdistys
PL 4, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto

Ville Sinnemäki

Ville Sinnemäki

Executive Director
+358 50 5819 650

Jenny Österman

Jenny Österman

Account Manager
+358 50 4156798

Kaisa Tiainen

Kaisa Tiainen

Secreterary for Member Services and Communication
+358 50 4484120