Magazines by Sanoma – SAVE UP TO 40 %


Kuva: Sanoma

Sanoma offers Alumni Association members a discount of up to 40% for fixed-term 12-month subscriptions of their magazines. In addition to printed magazines, you will receive access to online magazines. During the year, prices may change, but the discount percentage will remain unchanged.

The offer is valid for the following magazines:

  • Aku Ankka
  • Aku Ankka Juniori
  • Aku Ankka Klassikko
  • ET terveys
  • Gloria
  • Glorian Koti
  • Glorian ruoka&viini
  • Hyvä Terveys
  • Kodin Kuvalehti
  • Me Naiset
  • Prinsessa
  • Suuri Käsityö
  • Tiede
  • Tiede Luonto

Each lifestyle magazine subscription (except kids products) includes the service, where you can read all of the Sanoma magazines in one place. The service includes all magazines published from the beginning of 2015. The latest issues of all magazines will be published in the service the same day they reach stores and subscribers. The Oma Sanoma user identification, created when ordering a subscription, can be used to log in to the service as well.