Sari Vapaavuori is an alumna


It took me a long time to find the kind of volunteer work that would allow me to support students on their career paths. I want to encourage and inspire students to explore a wide range of career paths both in Finland and abroad. I hope my own example inspires them to seek the path that is right for them. As a theology graduate, I have worked in a number of fields including brand creation, commu­nications, marketing, corporate so­cial responsibility, volunteer work and ngo management. Through the Alumni Association I was able to join an active and inspirational network. Crucially, I have had the opportunity to do precisely the things that originally made me join the association. I have been able to support and inspire students; as a member of the alumni network, I have made a difference. It’s exciting to engage in a lively dialogue, hear interesting views and learn more about what is happening in the academic and wider communities – in a free and open way.
Sari Vapaavuori
Faculty of theology